Sunday, March 21, 2010

Omi K, we love you to the sky & back!

I am so thankful that my mom (Omi K to the girls) was able to be with us for the first two weeks of the girls lives.

I am so thankful that she was there for the last few days of my pregnancy. She rubbed my back and massaged my feet in those last uncomfortable days. I am so happy that she was there during the entire labor/birth journey... that she was there to help provide comfort during some of the more difficult moments ...that she was able to hold both of her granddaughters when they were only minutes old. I am so thankful that she was there those first two weeks to help support me as I faced many 'new mom' challenges. She cooked us delicious and healthy meals, she reminded me to eat when I was too tired to remember to do so on my own, she provided encouragement when I felt overwhelmed by breastfeeding challenges and crying babies.

Most importantly, I am so thankful that she was here to bond with her granddaughters. She sacrificed sleep to rock them and sing to them in the wee hours of the morning. She was the one with the magic touch that could calm Lexi when nothing else could. She introduced the girls to the music of Pete Seeger, the Beatles and the Beach Boys. She was there to snuggle the girls after their first bath and to help console Kenzie after her jaundice bloodwork at their first doctor's appointment. She was there to love the girls from the very start.

And I must say that I have never felt closer to my mom than I do at this time in my life. We have always been close and she has always been supportive of me in whatever I do. But somehow, now that I have two daughters of my own, I realize just how strong her love for me has been all of these years and it makes me love her even more. I am so thankful that she is my mom and my daughters are so lucky to have her as their Omi.

Mom - we love you to the sky & back! Thank you so much for everything you did during your 2 1/2 weeks here. Miss you so much already!

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