Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Oh the places you'll go ...

Dear Bean & Sprout,

Tomorrow is going to be a big day - your birthday. I'm not sure if it is possible for me to express all of the emotions that I am feeling today, knowing that tomorrow we will finally get to welcome you to the world. I have so enjoyed our journey together over the past 40 weeks with you growing inside my belly ... but am now so anxious to get to hold you both in my arms, to gaze into your eyes, to breathe in your baby smells, to get to know every crevice of your little bodies. I am so excited to be your mother!

I have so many hopes and dreams for both of you and want you both to know that I will support you in anything you want to do. I will be your biggest cheerleader in life (maybe tied with your Daddy). Most importantly, I just pray that you will both be healthy and happy - tomorrow and throughout your lives. I want you to have a joy for life and to dream big, and I promise to support you as you follow your dreams.

In the book 'The Last Lecture', Randy Pausch mentioned that he "won the parent lottery." I think this is the highest compliment that a parent could receive from their child and it is something that I will strive for. I not only want to be a good parent, but I want you both to feel that you are truly lucky to have me as your mom. I will not only support you, provide guidance and discipline, but I want us to be great friends - to be silly and have fun together.

I can't believe that you have grown from 2 tiny embryos into two beautiful girls that I will get to hold in my arms tomorrow. I look forward to watching you continue to grow - from newborns, to toddlers, to little girls, to strong and confident women. What an amazing journey we are about to embark on as a family. It is truly miraculous and I thank God every day for this. The world awaits you and I can't wait to see "the places you'll go!"

"Before you were conceived I wanted you ... before you were born I loved you." - MAUREEN HAWKINS
I can't imagine the love that I will feel when I get to meet you both tomorrow. I can't wait to share this experience with Randall ... It will surely be a moment that will take our breaths away.

Love you to the sky & back forever.
Your Mommy

Update: I went to the doctor yesterday morning because I was nervous that I hadn't felt one of the babies move since Saturday night and I had a bad headache since Sunday afternoon. My blood pressure was slightly elevated and they couldn't initially find Bean's heartbeat, so they sent us to a specialist for a non-stress test. Thankfully, everything checked out ok but they feel that it is best to deliver the babies sooner rather than later. So if they don't come on their own beforehand I am scheduled for an induction at 4:30 am tomorrow morning. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts & prayers!

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