Tuesday, May 8, 2012

{the things she says: missing my mommy}

This past Saturday Randall and I got to attend a Derby party at our old neighbors house.  It is their annual party and was a great time as usual.  The party started at 4pm.  I think this was the first time that the girls have had a babysitter (other than our nanny) come before bedtime.  The girls were very excited when Cara arrived and were playing happily with her while we got ready to go.  But as suspected when it was time for Randall and me to leave, they weren't so excited.  Lexi started sobbing and clung to my leg.  "No mommy.  No go bye bye!"  Kenzie started chiming in.  I was prepared for this and had purchased a pint of ice cream just in case this happened.  This got them inside, but as we left Lexi was still crying and throwing herself against the back glass door. 

About 5 minutes later I sent Cara a text asking if they had settled down.  "Yes! We are back outside playing!  They are both happy."  They had a great time the entire time we were gone. 

We made it home by 8:30pm so were there to put the girls to bed.  While we were snuggling after their bath, I asked them if they had a fun time with Cara tonight?

Kenzie:  Yes!  (very direct and to the point - that's my girl!)
Lexi: Crying.
Me:  Oh you cried when Mommy and Daddy left tonight, didn't you.
Lexi:  Yes, I crying (nodding her head and looking at me with big pathetic eyes)
Me:  But then you got to have ice cream and got to play outside with Cara and Kenzie and had a fun time, didn't you.
Lexi:  (still looking at me with big pleading eyes) Missing my mommy.

Wow, this girls knows how to milk it for all its worth and knows how to pull at my heart strings.  She melts my heart.

Me:  I missed you too Lexi, and I am so happy to be here with you and Kenzie to be able to snuggle now.  I love you both so very much!

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