On the way home from Lexington last weekend I was sitting in the back seat between Kenzie and Lexi. At one point Lexi tugged on my ear.
Lexi: Mommy, what's this?
Me: That's my earring.
Lexi: Mommy, my want earrings.
Me: Lexi, you will have to wait until you are older to get your ears pierced. Little girls don't have earrings.
Lexi: No mommy. Some babies earrings.
Me: Well, yes you are right. There are some babies that have their ears pierced.
Lexi: Mommy, Isabella earrings (referring to her 4 year old friend who does indeed have her ears pierced, while nodding her head with a very smug look on her face, as if saying "Ha, Mommy! I proved you wrong. TWICE!")
Me: Yes, Lexi that is correct, but in our family you will need to wait until you are a bit older to get your ears pierced.
I think I am in trouble. How is it that my 2 year old already knows what she wants and is prepared with rational arguments to defend herself?! 2 going on 16 ...
Slow Start
1 week ago
ReplyDeleteWas searching for my GF's blog and came across your interesting one. Started reading and had to laugh at your dd, Lexie's discussion about her wanting earrings. Had to pause and laugh because my dd was similarly determined to have her ears pierced too :) Mom, I think it may be time for you to consider getting not only having both girls ears pierced. My girls were 4 and 2 when I had them done. Let me share my story. Like you, I tried to fend our YDD off saying she was too young, but she had seen enough babies with w/earrings to know better :) I finally said I would ask our ped about it and see what she said.
Well, I didn't expect what happened next. Our ped actually encouraged me to go ahead saying it was best when mommy could care for them. She said it
have become more popular to pierce newborns, infants and little girls ears because is safer with the newer ear piercing instruments than the traditional methods of using a needle, thread by the mother or grandmother. She gave me some suggestions for moms having their dd's ears pierced which included some OTC meds to minimize any discomfort. She said doing them when mommy could care for them was best.
I didn't have long to wait. One day, dh calls out to me from the family room asking me to come in there. Our YDD had gotten a pair of my earrings and was asking dh how to put them in her ears! She almost put one in her ear canal! Dh laughed and told me to take her to have them pierced before we had to take her to the ER to remove an earring!
At this point, I was ready and told dh I started seeing other little babies including two in church nursery and another little girl in our
playgroup with earrings. I finally realized how cute our little toddlers would look with cute earring and yielded to pressure. At first, I was only going to pierce our ODD's ears, but the YDD was forcing the issue. What is a mom to do?
Almost in a spur of the moment, I decided to have both girls done and did them with the YDD pierced first while dh walked down the mall with our ODD. Both returned to see her younger sister with earrings. Immediately, she wanted them too. I knew this would provide peer pressure and insure both girl got pierced. Literally, our ODD hopped up in the chair and barely shed a tear. Both girls did great an looked adorable with little gold studs in each ear.
I'd say if you've thought about it, then your mommy intuition is telling you to do them now now. Also do consider having both girls done since they your eventually botyh will be wanting them done too. Both girls help remind me in cleaning their ears during the healing period afterwards. Promise your girls will look cute too with little earrings.
If you've even remotely thought about having their ears pierced, then your mommy intuition is telling you to do them now too :) The ears were very easy to care for.
If you or any other moms would like our ped's tips, write me an e-mail.