Friday, July 22, 2011

k&l at work


Today was Take Your Child to Work Day at my office. K&L were technically too young to participate in the structured activities that were planned for the day, but I did have Sara bring them in for lunch. They did really well and enjoyed watching all of the older kids and even behaved reasonably well during the Olympic presentation. I loved having my girls at work with me :)


I was surprisingly emotional today about the whole experience. As I came into the office this morning and saw so many people coming into work with their children .. their mini-me's in many cases, I almost became teary. I never had this reaction when seeing my co-workers with their kids before I had children of my own, but today as I saw them through the eyes of a mother I had all of these thoughts and emotions running through me. To these people, their children are their "Kenzie & Lexi", their pride and joy. The reason they go to work is to be able to support and provide the best for these children. I loved watching the bond between my co-workers and their children and grandchildren.
It also made me think about what Kenzie & Lexi will "want to be when they grow up." Will they want to go into finance or marketing like their Mommy and Daddy? Will they want to be a doctor or an artist or a lawyer or join the Peace Corp? Will they want to be a veteranarian or an architect or a ballerina or a firefighter or an astronout (will they even know what that is, or is that career now extinct?)? Maybe they will want to be full-time mommies or maybe they will want to run off and join the circus. Kenzie & Lexi - I want you to be whatever you want to be. I want you to be successful, but I will measure your success by your happiness. I hope that you pursue your dreams, whatever they may be! As long as those dreams don't include being a tattoo artist or a motorcycle racer I think Daddy will be ok with this as well :)

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