Saturday, July 7, 2012

{big girl beds}

Given our busy month of June, I don’t think I even mentioned that we transitioned the girls to their toddler beds back over Memorial Day weekend. They have done very well with the transition. On the first night in their new beds, about an hour after they went to sleep Randall and I heard a big thud while we were watching TV. I quickly looked at the video monitor and realized that Kenzie had fallen out of bed. I was about to sprint up the steps to console my sweet girl, but she nonchalantly climbed back into bed herself and went right back to sleep. Randall and I commented that it was a good thing it happened to Kenzie, as Lexi would not have handled it so well. We were wrong. A few hours later there was another thud, this time Lexi, and she did the same thing as her sister without even a whimper. And here is the clincher … they both slept until 9am the next morning. And even when they awoke they stayed in their beds and called for us to come get them.

Now, the sleeping in until 9am part and the staying in bed at all times has not continued, but overall the transition has been very smooth. We did have one week where anytime that Lexi woke up she would walk over and crawl into Kenzie’s bed … this was cute at first … but started to annoy Kenzie when she wanted to sleep. We told Lexi that she needs to stay in her own bed and now she gives herself a peptalk every evening as we are tucking her in … “No cry. No get in sissy’s bed. Stay in my bed.” And she does for the most part, except in the morning when it's snuggle time.

What typically happens on any given morning is that Kenzie will walk over to Lexi’s bed and tell her to “come with.” They then both crawl into Kenzie’s bed … sometimes they go back to sleep, sometimes they tell each other stories, sometimes they bring the basket of books that sit next to Kenzie’s bed into bed with them and read, sometimes it turns into a tickle/giggle fest or the bed becomes a trampoline. Whatever they choose to do, they are happy and bonding. One of my new favorite pastimes is watching them in bed together on the video monitor (sometimes I feel like I am spying on them). I love how close they are and that they have this special morning time together. They will spend anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes doing this, until Lexi usually yells, “Mommy, I want to get out!”

Such a special twin sister bond.  Here is a video taken of the video monitor capturing a morning giggle fest ...

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