Photo by the very talented Jessica Cudzilo of 503 photography
I need to start by saying how truly thankful I am that I have had such a great pregnancy - sure I had my share of morning sickness, some early small scares, and I haven't been able to feel my hands for the past 6 weeks ;) - but overall I feel so lucky not to have been put on bedrest, that I have been able to remain active throughout, and that Bean & Sprout have been so strong & healthy. I never imagined that I would still be carrying the girls at this point in time ... the doctors all said that they would be surprised if I made it to Valentine's Day ... but here I am on February 28th and the girls are still hanging out in my belly.
I feel bad complaining at all - especially given the long road that Randall and I had to go down to get to this point and the fact that I know that the best prize in the world awaits us at the end - but I am so ready to meet these girls. I am not sure if my belly can expand any further ... I've already gone from a 28" waist to a whopping 44 inches. I have gained 41 pounds and it is becoming difficult to perform simple tasks such as putting on socks & shoes and fastening my seatbelt. If I am being honest, I am just plain uncomfortable.... but am trying to remain positive.
I have been doing anything and everything to try to kick start labor ... tons of walking, eating everything from eggplant parmesan, to spicy food, to pineapple, to licorice, to beet soup. I had my pressure points worked, have tried positive thinking and meditation ... if you've ever heard about something to stimulate labor, I've probably tried it. I have been having contractions and I am hoping that they become more consistent and lead into real labor.
In the mean time I appreciate all of your positive thoughts & prayers!
Bean & Sprout - I promise to take great care of you on the outside. There are so many people that are so excited to meet you and already love you so very much. Please come meet us soon.