Saturday, March 17, 2012

{happy st. patrick's day!}


We had such a fun-filled day.  The day started off with green milk - those silly leprechauns!  We then took a trip to Hyde Park Square to buy the girls some new sandals.  It was a gorgeous day so we ended up taking a walk and playing in the square for a bit - we just so happened to see the Stealey's drive by and ended up having an impromptu lunch together at The Echo.  Such fun!  I always love to see our four kids together.

After lunch, Granny stayed with the girls while they napped so that Randall and I could stop by Kathryn & Brian's farewell party to wish them well.  We are really going to miss them!  By the time the girls woke up from their nap it was time for our neighborhood St. Patrick's Day/March Madness party.  It was the perfect evening for it.  The girls had a blast playing with all of the neighborhood kids and their toys.  The adults enjoyed some beer and good conversation.  And they even had 3 TV's set up outside so we didn't miss any of the hoops action.  I love our neighbors and love the fact that once the days get longer and the weather warms up that we get to see so much more of them!



  1. Love how the girls are sitting on their potty chairs while drinking their green milk :)

  2. Yeah, it's going in, but I don't think it's coming out.
