Thursday, November 17, 2011


FRAPping is a dog term that stands for Frenetic Random Acts of Play (or Frenectic Random Activity Period or Frantic Running And Playing - you get the idea). When Tobi was a puppy he would have his nightly frapping session. We would basically sit down on the couch with our feet tucked up under us for safety, and watch Tobi run around the house in circles like a madman. It was highly entertaining. And while Tobi has long outgrown this behavior, it seems it is something that our girls inherited from their canine brother. I'm pretty sure frapping is not a term normally applied to humans, but I think it is the most appropriate term to describe the nightly sessions of silliness between Kenzie and Lexi. They too run around like mad-women and we often sit back on the couch and just watch the show. We find them highly entertaining! Who needs TV when you have this?  These frapping sessions typically occur right before bath time - hence the lack of clothing in most of these video clips :)

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I was driving yesterday and pulled up next to a minivan with two pink car seats in the back and two adorable girls, about 18 months in the car seats. I was homesick for you and Randall and wishing we were back in our old house and spending some of these great times together. Love you!
