Monday, January 2, 2012

{happy 2012!}


2011 was a pretty fabulous year and I have a feeling that 2012 is going to be grand. With the risk of sounding totally sappy, I must say that life gets better by the day since the girls were born. And while my life was pretty great before K&L were born, I now can't imagine life without them. 2011 was filled with so many big milestones and so many wonderful little memories. In 2011 we celebrated K&L's 1st birthday, got to witness their first steps, hear their first words. We got to take the girls to the beach on both the Atlantic & Pacific coasts. We had a visit from older cousins and welcomed a new cousin. It was a year filled with many hugs and kisses - and I will never tire of those. It was a year where we got to watch little personalities emerge and the bond between twin "sissies" grow stronger.

It is hard to imagine 2012 being much better than that, but I am up to the challenge and am so excited to see what the girls have in store for us. I have a feeling it will be a year filled with lots of change, lots of laughs and hopefully not too many tantrums as we enter the terrible twos times two.

I've also been thinking about resolutions - because that's just what you do this time of year. I am not usually big on resolutions as they just seem bound to be broken and I try to avoid putting myself in situations where I'll just feel guilty later. But this year there are a few things that I really want to try to be better about and maybe by writing about them here it will make them stick.

I am going to make an effort to take better care of my body by eating better and exercising more regularly. I used to be pretty good about this and had so much more energy when I did.

We are also making an effort to simplify things (i.e. take advantage of dry cleaning pickup/delivery, hire someone to help with yard work, get the house organized) in order to allow time for resolution #1 and more time with the girls.

I also want to find more time/ways to let the people I love know I appreciate them. I am so grateful for my wonderful family & friends and want to make this more of a priority.

Happy New Year! Wishing you a 2012 that is filled with health, happiness and laughter!


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