Friday, August 6, 2010

Adventures in Eating

We decided to try to introduce some solid foods to the girls within the past week. While most sources say that this isn't really necessary or recommended until 6 months, our pediatrician suggested that we try it to see if it might help the girls sleep better at night. Additionally, since I will be returning to work right as the girls reach the 6 month mark, I wanted to have some time to work with them on this instead of expecting our nanny to take on that task.

Initially I tried feeding them some organic rice cereal since that is the first solid that is recommended. Neither Kenzie or Lexi wanted anything to do with it. Next I tried some organic bananas from a jar. Again, neither one wanted anything to do with it. I then tried making them some fresh food using my Beaba Babycook (thanks Mom!). This past weekend I made carrots and apples and froze them in these convenient portion sized trays. And we have had partial success!

Lexi really seems to like both carrots and apples, and she will even eat the rice cereal if I mix it with a little fruit or vegetable. She nows opens her mouth for the spoon and gets a huge grin on her face while she is eating. She has even started to fuss for more if I am taking too long trying to get her sister to eat. Kenzie on the other hand is still not too sure about the whole solid food thing. I basically have to force it into her mouth, then most of it comes back out, and when she does happen to swallow some she makes this awful gagging sound and face. Oh well, I am sure that it will come with time and we will continue to introduce some new fresh veggies and fruits to see if we find something that she enjoys.

I can't promise that I will make all of their food fresh, but I will attempt to make a good portion of it since it just seems so much tastier/healthier than the jarred variety :)

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