Mckenna Grace "Kenzie":- You came out screaming (what a relief) and they placed you directly on my belly and I got to give you a kiss. Then Daddy got to hold you before they took you to be checked out.
- Your features resemble Daddy but you have lighter/less hair.
- Your eyes are the color of blueberries.
- You have a bit of jaundice, but thankfully not enough to require a billi blanket.
- You are very sleepy and snuggly and a very peaceful sleeper (not sure if this is due to your jaundice). I have to work to keep you awake while you are nursing.
- You have a very unique cry when you are very upset - it ends with a high pitched screech.
- You enjoyed your first attempt at tummy time.
- You were the first to lose your umbilical cord on Day 9.
- You were the first to grab onto mommy’s hair while nursing.
Alexandra Cate "Lexi":- You "walked" right out of the womb since you were born breech. You gave us a bit of a scare as you were limp and silent, so they had to take you right away to make sure everything was ok.
- You have been wide eyed and alert ever since that moment. You are constantly checking everything out. You fight going to sleep.
- You had a furrowed brow when you were born (just like your Mommy did, maybe because your sister had been kicking you in the head inside the womb) and you still make some very serious faces - definitely a deep thinker.
- Your features resemble your mom but you have long dark hair like your daddy.
- You also have blueberry eyes.
- You have long/strong legs and very big feet.
- You had a “traumatic” first bath – right when Mommy and Daddy were getting ready to dry you off, you decided it was time for a huge poop and it got everywhere … all over your legs, your back, the mesh tub … so we had to repeat the entire bath.
- You both love being swaddled.
- When you are not swaddled, you love sleeping snuggled next to each other in the same crib.
- Best of all, you both love lying on Mommy and Daddy's chest.
Some of my Favorite Moments:
- On our second night in the hospital I was breastfeeding you both at the same time and you were totally in-sync. You were sucking at the exact same rate, would startle at the exact same time and sigh in unison. Such strong evidence of your twin bond.
- Driving home from the hospital it struck me and I cried tears of joy. We have wanted you for so long and here we were actually going home from the hospital as a family of four.
- Watching Daddy rocking and singing lullabies to his two little girls in the middle of the night. I have never felt such strong love.
- Watching Tobi get to know his little sisters. He is very protective of them already. He brings us “gifts” (his toys) while I am nursing them. When the girls are in different rooms he paces back and forth between the two, keeping watch.
- I love watching the girls together – while they haven’t really “discovered” each other yet, there are times when they are nursing and they stare into each others eyes. Or when they are napping together and snuggle closer into each other. I love knowing that they will always have each other.
I sure do love you girls - and its only been 10 days :)
3 days ago
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