Wow, you are 9 months old! Time is flying by and you are both growing up way too fast. The past two months were so much fun. Lots of fun outside enjoying the fall weather, visits from Opa, “Aunt” Becky, Granny, and Omi K. Trips to the pumpkin patch, farmers market, the zoo and New Orleans. I continue to love watching your personalities emerge and change day by day. Since I have been back at work I have really started to cherish and make the most of every minute that we have together. You are both so precious and bring so much joy to our family!
Kenzie – You are 28 inches tall (60th percentile) and weigh 18 lbs 11oz (50th percentile). You were reluctant to start crawling. For months you would move backwards and in circles, then you got to a point where you would get onto your hands and knees and rock back and forth with such intent, growing frustrated that you weren’t able to move. Until one day, you GOT IT! You went straight to crawling up on all fours. You are also a very good stander and like to lean against furniture without using your hands. You are great at pulling yourself up on anything … at first sitting back down was a challenge, but now you have that mastered as well. You are still very vocal and LOUD… You love to clap and “make music” with any object. Your favorite thing to do is to take things out …. Books out of the bookcase, toys out of the toy basket, laundry out of the laundry basket, trash out of the waste basket. You love books and will spend hours each day taking books out, flipping through them … and occasionally snacking on them J You have become a very picky eater … you seem to rotate what you will ‘tolerate’ on a weekly basis … first it had to be fruit, now you are more of a meat & veggies girl. You are a happy and giggly girl … you love being tickled and giggle in delight!
Lexi – You are 28 inches tall (60th percentile) and weigh 19 lbs 4oz (60th percentile). You had been “army” crawling on your belly for months, but it wasn’t until after your sister started crawling up on all fours that you followed suit … immediately. It was like, “Oh, that’s how it’s supposed to be done? I can do that!” You are also starting to cruise around the furniture. While you aren’t always as confident in standing as your sister is, you seem closer to walking and do a very good job with your dinosaur push toy. You continue to be our inquisitive one … you study toys like a scientist as if you are pondering what they are made of and searching for new uses. You are a great eater and will eat whatever is offered to you, although you are becoming much more interested in feeding yourself and will fuss immediately once you have finished your finger foods. You never seem to sit still … with the exception being during our bedtime ritual. Every evening after your baths we put on your pj’s, lay you down side by side on the floor of your nursery on your boppy pillows and read you “Counting Kisses” while giving you kisses as they do in the book. You can be squirming like crazy, but as soon as that book comes out you settle down with your arms at your side and listen intently to the story, perfectly still. It is so sweet! You are so sweet!
I love you both so much … I can’t believe you have now spent as much time outside of my belly as you did growing inside of my belly. I have loved every moment, inside and out … I think I’ll keep you both :)