I can't believe my baby girls are already 2 months old. The past month flew by and the girls are getting so big. At their 2 month checkup they were both 22" long and Lexi weighed 10 lbs 4 oz and Kenzie weighed 9 lbs 14 oz.
This is what they are up to these days:
-They are smiling and like to laugh at mommy when I make funny noises and faces.
-They are getting more curious by the day and will now follow us with their eyes as we move around the room.
-They are starting to notice/pay attention to Tobi ... I have caught them both staring at him as if they are trying to figure out exactly what/who he is.
-They love their activity mat and can entertain themselves for up to an hour by batting, grabbing and kicking at the hanging objects. They also love their mobile and watch it intently.
-They can move themselves around when laying on their back... i.e. when laying on a blanket they can squirm themselves from a vertical position to a horizontal position.
-Likes to stick out her tongue when she is happy.
-Is very sweet and so patient.
-Is the more talkative of the two - she is starting to coo and ahh.
-Has very strong legs. Loves to "stand" up on your lap when you hold her up and is constantly kicking her legs.
-Has started to roll from her back to her side at times when she is on her activity mat.
-Is a little "Pepper" - she definitely has a little spunk to her. Based on their personalities at 2 months, Lexi is going to be the one to initiate the mischief and Kenzie will be her willing accomplice.
You can tell that Kenzie and Lexi have different personalities even in their sleep. When Kenzie is sleeping she is fully relaxed with her arms up above her head (when not swaddled) and noises don't really phase her. When Lexi is sleeping she keeps her arms curled up under her chin and any noise will startle her and she throws her arms out to the side ... then slowly lowers them as she drifts back into a deep sleep. They are both so cute - I love watching them sleep.
I am proud to be their mommy and have loved watching them grow over these past 2 months. Looking forward to what the 3rd month has in store!