The girls have been keeping me busy and I haven't had much time for blogging ;) , but before April draws to a close I wanted to capture a few updates from the last couple of weeks.
First, I want to say thank you to Granny! We were lucky enough to have Granny Gail (Randall's mom) stay with us for a month and I'm not sure how we would have survived without her. Not only was she a huge help ... waking up in the middle of the night to help with feedings, making formula and washing bottles, helping with laundry and other chores ... but she also gave so much love to our little girls. She sang to them, told them stories about their daddy and cousins, took naps with both of them on the couch, and spoiled them rotten. Granny was there for Kenzie & Lexi's first Easter, she was there for their first dinner out, and accompanied them on their first plane trip. Thank you Granny for all of your love and support! Thank you for dropping everything in your own day to day life to come spend an entire month helping us! We feel so fortunate that you were able to share this time with Kenzie & Lexi!The girls had a successful first trip! We spent a week down in New Orleans visiting Randall's family and friends and the girls did great. Gail and I flew down with Kenzie & Lexi on Wednesday, April 14 ... the girls were exactly 6 weeks old and already jet setting :) I was very nervous about the flight, but for no reason. Besides a minor meltdown from Lexi as we went through security they both did great. They slept the entire duration of the 2 hour flight and didn't make a peep... to the extent that when we were deplaning several passengers commented that they didn't even know there had been 2 infants on board. I am so proud of my girls. I asked the pilot if the girls could get a set of wings to commemorate their first flight, but apparently those have been eliminated along with meals and blankets in this age of airline budget cuts. The girls had a great time while in New Orleans meeting all sorts of new people ... their Granny Nanny (Randall's grandmother), Nanny B and Parran, Aunt Janet and Aunt Barbara, many of Randall's friends and their families ... to name just a few. Granny Nanny was so sweet to her great granddaughters... helping with feedings and cuddling and loving them both. The girls also loved seeing their Papa Gene again. We also got to cheer for Daddy in the New Orleans Half Ironman Triathlon while we were in town.
We then made the 12 hour car trip back home with Randall ... it turned out to be 14.5 hours due to longer, more frequent stops for feedings, diaper changes, etc. It was a very long day but the girls did very well. Overall we had a great trip and it was so nice to have a change of scenery and to visit with so many wonderful people!
Finally, I survived my first week on my own with the girls. I was really nervous about being on my own after having help for the first 6 weeks. It has been challenging, but we are having fun and are enjoying the mommy/daughter bonding time. Kenzie and Lexi are such sweethearts and are changing day by day. Earlier this week they both laughed for the first time ... I love sharing moments like this with them and I keep these in mind during the moments when both girls are crying, Tobi is barking and I haven't showered in 3 days :) I am learning to be super efficient ... who knew how much could be done with your chin and feet, and I have even managed to cook a few meals thanks to the wonders of the crock pot. While I am pretty exhausted by the end of each day and don't find much time to do anything other than care for and play with the girls, that's all that really matters right now...
I mwan, how precioous are they? I love them so!!!
Never Say Never
1 week ago